Norma Herring
12502 Overbrook Rd. Leawood, Kansas 66209
Phone: 913.661.9701
Email: normaherring@kc.rr.com Website: www.normaherring.com
Personal Data
Proud to be part of the first wave of the famous/infamous “babyboomers” I was born in Kansas City, MO and have lived on both sides of State Line most of my life. I am married to Joe Herring and between us we have four adult children and a beautiful four-legged golden daughter named Rosie. I graduated from Mount St. Scholastica College, Atchison, KS, in ’68 with a BS Dietetics degree followed by a one-year Administrative Dietetic Internship at Aetna Life and Casualty, Hartford, CT. My career as a Registered Dietitian was spent working in child and adult nutrition along with earning a Masters degree in Health Services Administration from the University of Kansas in 1990. A life-changing diagnosis of breast cancer in 2001 followed by months of chemotherapy and radiation brought a serious re-examination of my life’s priorities resulting in a decision to retire and pursue my true love ~ watercolor painting ~ as a second career. With a renewed sense of energy I’ve worked hard to improve my skills with each new painting. I’ve begun experimenting with adding acrylics, iridescent watercolor medium and archival gel pen touches to my transparent watercolor compositions with exciting results!
Exhibitions and Honors:
*Heritage Fine Arts Guild, 1981, 1982, 1983, Littleton, CO (juried) Honorable Mention – 1982, Purchase Award-United Bank of Littleton, 1983
*Art Images Gallery, two-person show with Ruth Overton, 1987
*Heartland Artist Exhibition(juried), 2003-04-06-07, 10-11-12-13-14-15 Award of Merit Tim Murphy Gallery, Merriam, KS
*Raytown Arts Festival, 2004, 2005, 2007 (several awards)
*Solo Shows: Irene B. French Community Center Art Gallery-2004, R.G. Endress Gallery-2005, Plaza Commerce Bank~20006, The Saucy Hound Gallery-2007, Shirley Stiles Gallery-2008, Baudette MN Train Depot~2012, Truman Medical Center for the Healing Arts~2013, Burns&McDonnell-2015
*GKCAA Blue Ribbon Show – 2005, 2007, 2008
*Images Art Gallery Annual Juried Show – 2005-06-07-08-09-10-11-12-13 First Place 2008, Award of Merit 2011, First in Painting 2014
*Kansas City Voices Literary/Art magazine(juried) –2005, 2007, 2010, 2011, 2015-3rd Place in Art
*Sioux Narrows Art Festival – 2005, 2007, 2009 Ontario, Canada (juried)
*Johnson County Art Fest – 2005, 2008, 2010, 2011 (juried) First Place Ribbon 2008
*Baudette, MN Centennial Art Show ~ 2006, Historic Depot Solo Exhibit 2011
*Images Art Gallery ~ Featured Artist ~ 2007, 2009, 2010
*Kansas Watercolor Society Show – 2010, 2011 (juried)
*Missouri Watercolor Society Show – 2010-12 (juried) Signature status 2012
*Illinois Watercolor Society Show - 2015-Honorable Mention
*Illinois Watercolor Society Show - 2015-Honorable Mention
*Finalist ~ International Artist Magazine Challenge #56 “Florals & Gardens” Competition - 2010
*Watercolor USA 2011 - Springfield, MO Art Museum ~ Purchase Award for the Museum *Membership ~ Watercolor Honor Society(WHS)
*Watercolor USA 2012 - 2013 2 Patron Purchase Awards~2013 and the Director's Choice Award~2013
*Prairie Village State of the Arts 2011 Exhibit (juried)
*Art at the Center ~ Overland Park, KS - 2007, 2008, 2011 (juried show)
*Visions of the Flint Hills ~ Buttonwood Art Space, K.C. MO 2011, 2013 (juried)
*Leawood Arti Gras, 2012 ~ 2013-Best of Show~2013, 2014-First Place in Painting, 2015-Honorable Mention
*The Artistic Touch 5 competition...2 paintings published in hard cover book ~ 2011
*The Artistic Touch 5 competition...2 paintings published in hard cover book ~ 2011
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